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Putting Clean Girls on The Map

Alicia Cassidy

It's time to talk maps! - No, not naps, maps.

As an ethnographic researcher it is significant to have knowledge on the field sites that exist within the field you are researching. A field site refers to the landscape that the researcher should be placed in, in order to achieve optimum participant observation (Burrell, 2009). By visually illustrating these field sites through a map, a researcher is able to effectively define the subjects and objects of their research (Burrell, 2009). In turn, enhancing their ability to tailor their content and increase the depth of the research.

Following on from my previous blog post which introduced you to my media niche of clean girl fashion, let's take a look at the field map of this niche.

Field Map of Clean Girl / Clean Girl Fashion Niche

As you can see, the map illustrates that my niche (and selected field site) falls under the umbrella of the 'clean girl' field as a whole. A key element of the map is the type of content already present in this niche, as this will influence the content I initially create to immerse myself. Similarly, identifying what platforms this niche is most present on and the creators who play a big part, will also influence my content and who I take inspiration from.

Examining lifestyle factors for this niche is also significant as the primary goal of my niche is to exhibit a certain lifestyle and fashion aesthetic.

Image is my own

As Geertz (1973 p. 12) states, much like not being able to steal sheep without knowing what a sheep is, you can't understand culture unless you understand it's meaning. In relation to media auto ethnography, ethnographic skills allow one to consciously consider aspects their field site to account for possible abnormalities in the digital space (Caliandro, 2014). Moreover, assisting to understand the meaning of the culture being explored. Thus, I will be employing various ethnographic skills such as problematising, conceptualising, including and narrowing (Creswell, 2016). Listen below to hear me discuss these skills and explain how I will implement them through my digital artefact and research.

What Ethnographic Skills am I Implementing?


Audio Explaining Problematising


Audio Explaining Conceptualising


Audio Explaining Narrowing


Audio Explaining Including

In further relation to including, upon initial observation it has been noted that there is a generalised debate on how inclusive the clean girl fashion niche really is (Guerra, 2022). Therefore, I will ensure that a diverse range of influential female creators in this niche are recognised and illustrated in this research.

Final Takeaways

Overall, mapping my niche and exploring ethnographic skills has allowed me to identify the most relevant areas to observe and create content for during my research. Ultimately, proving valuable for my digital artefact.

Ok, time for a nap now.


Caliandro, A 2014, ‘Ethnography in digital spaces: Ethnography of virtual worlds, netnography, & digital ethnography’, Handbook of anthropology in business, pp. 738-761

Creswell, JW 2016, 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher, Sage, Los Angeles

Burrel, J 2009, ‘The Field Site as a Network: A Strategy for Locating Ethnographic Research’, Field Methods, vol. 21, no. 2

Geertz , C 1973, 'Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture', The Interpretation of Cultures, Basic Books, New York

Guerra, J 2022, 'How to Channel the Clean Girl Aesthetic, According to Fashion Influencers Who Have Already Nailed the Trend', InStyle, June 22, viewed 11th August 2023 <


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