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Pitching My Digital Artefact & Research - 'Clean Girl' Fashion

Alicia Cassidy

This semester I'll be undertaking auto-ethnographic research that explores the clean girl fashion community on TikTok through a digital artefact. For those who are unaware, auto-ethnography refers to research that draws on ones personal experiences to understand a social phenomenon, or in this case a media niche (Wall, 2006).

The field site I will be examining is the clean girl fashion niche, which falls under the umbrella of the clean girl niche as a whole. Think; Instagram girlies and TikToker's who style Djerf Avenue button ups and slick buns. Below is a map of this niche to help you understand the factors I will be considering when creating my content.

Map of Clean Girl Fashion Niche

Listen below to hear me discuss what content I will be creating for my digital artefact and the ethnographic skills I will employ!

My Auto-Ethnographic Method

The auto-ethnographic method I will adapt is fieldwork through observation and field notes, as Marvasti (2014) states, observation in ethnography provides valuable research influenced by personal subjectivity. Initially, I will undertake participant observation by posting directly into the niche 3-4 times a week, commenting, and taking notes by describing the process of creating my content. Specifically, I will observe and comment on accounts such as @matildadjerf and hashtags such as #cleangirloutfits on both TikTok and Instagram. My field notes will be documented in a google sheet, and I will aim to write in my reflexive journal once every 2 weeks, as reflexivity is a significant factor of this research.

My Plan

The following Gantt Chart will be used to ensure my research stays on track during the semester. It is inclusive of all key auto ethnographic stages I will undertake to produce successful research.

Ethical Considerations

Various ethical considerations have the potential to a arise during the execution of this research. As this is auto-ethnographic research, I will ensure not include statements or comments from other users in screenshots of my content.

Overall, this auto-ethnographic research undertaken through my proposed digital artefact will be extremely valuable in gaining insight about my chosen niche. Stay tuned...


Caliandro, A 2014, 'Ethnography in digital spaces: Ethnography of virtual worlds, netnography, & digital ethnography', Handbook of anthropology in business, pp. 738-761

Connell, J 2023, 'BCM241 WEEK 1' Tutorial PowerPoint Slides, BCM241, University of Wollongong, viewed 9th August 2023

Creswell, JW 2016, 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher, Sage, Los Angeles

Djerf, M 2023, Instagram Post, Instagram, viewed 7th August 2023, <>

Marvasti, A 2014, 'Analysing Observations', The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis

Wall, S 2006, 'An Autoethnography on Learning About Autoethnography', International Journal of Qualitative Methods, vol. 5, no. 2


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