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Research Proposal & Pitch

Alicia Cassidy

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

Before you go ugh, another academic blog, I want you to keep reading because this is the start of some potentially interesting research! Whilst it's findings may not reflect you directly, the topic I've chosen to research will to provide insight into how much creative freedom in an academic setting is too much? and whether or not it can result in decreased productivity and motivation if overdone.

Based on my experience as a BCM student so far, it has become evident through conversations that at times, excessive creative freedom and choice in assessments can negatively impact motivation towards a task. Subsequently, this reflexivity ignited my curiosity as to whether extensive creative freedom in assessments helps or hinders productivity and motivation. Thus, my final research question is as follows:

"Does extensive freedom of topic choice in creative assessments impact the productivity and motivation of BCM students?"

Why is it Relevant?

The relevancy of this research topic is increasingly high as this is a factor that affects student experience at university, specifically those studying a creative degree. Additionally, as I am a BCM student who will be targeting the research at fellow BCM students, this allows me to ask strategic and informed questions which in turn, provide more insightful qualitative answers. Examples of questions include:

  • What type of assessments do you prefer to receive direct topic guidelines and why?

  • "Do you experience creative burnout during peak assessment periods and how?"

  • Do you find yourself often overthinking topic choice if given free range? How does this affect your overall productivity?"

After undertaking initial secondary research, there are various sources that contradict the notion of creative freedom negatively impacting productivity. However, it was also found that constraints can be beneficial in aiding creativity by encouraging one to think more deeply and in turn, increase productivity (Cooper, 2014).

Ultimately, my research will analyse the academic environment and university assessments specifically, to determine if this is different to a non-academic setting such as a workplace. Further, focusing on if there is a line between optimum creative freedom and too much freedom, before negative implications arise in students.

Giphy Source: (Giphy, 2023)

Why is it Timely?

A factor that contributes to the research's timeliness includes the use of online platforms to collect data such as Google Forms. Similarly, it will strictly explore the effects on general productivity and motivation rather than entire wellbeing. By constricting the aim of the research question and utilising efficient data collecting platforms this enables it to be executed in the given time. As a result, highlighting why and how this research topic is timely.

Why is it Achievable?

This research topic is highly achievable as I have adequate access to my research participants (BCM212 students) which will ensure that enough data can be collected. Peers have also expressed their interest for this topic, meaning thoughts and opinions have already started brewing. Setting goals such as timelines to conduct the research, will also assist in ensuring the research is achievable.

In relation to positioning, I am a second-year female student, studying a Bachelor of Communication and Media, majoring in Visual Communication Design and Marketing at UOW. Individual characteristics that may affect research bias include the fact that I have 2 creative majors opposed to 1, meaning I may feel more strongly than others. However, this will be considered and attempted to be avoided.

Overall, this research will provide valuable information about how to ensure students in the BCM degree receive a balance between creative freedom and clear direction in academic assessments. In turn, assisting students to achieve optimum productivity during assessment periods.


Cooper, B.B 2014, 'The Psychology of Limitations: How and Why Constraints Can Make you More Creative', Buffer, Feburary 26, viewed 16th March 2023,


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